Saturday, 19 April 2014

Taking a video of my wheel during driving using cheap car camera

Few months ago, I got a car camera as a gift. At first I thought how cool it is, but to be honest, it's useless for my trips to work and back. Of course there is always a chance of getting into an caraccident, but...
And the need of hiding it everytime I leave the car - so no one will try to get in my car to steal it...
Well... it ended up on one of my shelves, getting covered in dust slowly.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Why and How to set up Wi-Fi tethering on android phone

Are you on a travel or is your internet connection at home not working at the moment? Are you in school and your friend wants to browse internet with you but on his phone?
Do you have an android powered smartphone with mobile internet connection?
Good! Then there is a really easy way to turn your phone into wi-fi hotspot and share your smartphone internet connection with the others around you. It's called Wi-Fi tethering.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Is it worth using LAN cable instead of Wi-Fi on your notebook/laptop? (test)

It's more and more common today that people buy notebooks instead of PCs. Because of it's portability, the place it takes to store it and probably because they simply believe that those tower cases under tables are too old-school and they believe that notebook with the same setup as desktop PC has the same power. There is also a lot of those who only use the notebook on a static place everyday.

I also bought new notebook not so long ago, altough I still preffer powerful PC with normal monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers. I needed notebook because of it's portability. But when I'm at home, I only use it on my table next to my PC and that made me think about the sense of using Wi-Fi.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Best ways to learn languages better

Most of the people are stuck in one country using only one language from their birth. But the world is much bigger than only one country and there is a lot of languages out there. In order to being able to talk with people from other countries, you have to learn another language. And learning a language is kind of hard if you're not actually using it somehow. I will tell you how I was and still am learning english. And I hope it will be helpful to everyone else who is learning any other language.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Fighting procrastination: starting my daily tasks list

I'm reading a book, and a lot of articles about fighting procrastination. A lot of people that are successful in beating procrastination are talking about the importance of daily tasks lists.

Tasks lists, to-do lists, organizers,... there is a lot of possibilities how to record tasks you need to do later. But daily tasks list is about recording every task you either need or want to do every day!

There are tasks that you probably already do daily and so automatically that you don't need to record them in such list (e.g. brushing teeth, taking a bath/shower,...). But there are tasks that you don't do everyday even though you want to (e.g. workout, waking up earlier,...).

For tasks like this, there is a big probability of procrastinating them or even forgeting about some. And that's the reason to create your daily task list.