Friday, 11 April 2014

Why and How to set up Wi-Fi tethering on android phone

Are you on a travel or is your internet connection at home not working at the moment? Are you in school and your friend wants to browse internet with you but on his phone?
Do you have an android powered smartphone with mobile internet connection?
Good! Then there is a really easy way to turn your phone into wi-fi hotspot and share your smartphone internet connection with the others around you. It's called Wi-Fi tethering.

Open settings on your android device

Open "More..." (Wireless & Networks)

Open "Tethering & portable hotspot"

Enable "Portable Wi-Fi hostpot" and Open "Set up Wi-Fi hotspot"
Network SSID is the name of your created Wi-Fi hotspot that will be shown to others around you.
Security is the type of a password you will use from, I recommned WPA2 PSK for better security. But you can also open your hotspot for everyone without any security.
Password is a place for you to set a password others will have to know and use to connect to your wi-fi.
If you'll enable "Show password" it will show you the password instead of stars

Tap "Save"
And your smartphone is now turned to a visible wi-fi hotspot, enabling others to connect to internet through it if you'll give them your password.

I found wi-fi tethering extremely helpful when my internet connection suddenly went to "No Internet Acces", and I had to at least save my work (online) on my laptop.

With wi-fi tethering, you can still use your phone, but expect much higher battery consumption.

Turning wi-fi tethering on will close your current wi-fi connection. You can't receive and provide wi-fi connection at the same time.

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