Saturday, 15 March 2014

Fighting procrastination - procrastinating the fight

Hey guys!

Reminder of what is the procrastination
Do you know that bad feeling when you want to do something and know it would be right to do it. But you are just not about to start now... Maybe later today... Or tomorrow... But you keep promising that you will really do it. Yeah, and that's the procrastination.

My inspiration
Today while I was reading some blogs about it, I found interesting facts about procrastinating. It's always amazing to find out that you share similiar or even same problems with all the people around the world.

What inspired me to write this post was reading about people who really want to change themselves but they procrastinate the fight. They know that it's not good for their productivity, quality of life and a lot of other aspects, even moral. But anytime they tell themselves: ,,okay I'm going to be better, I'm actually going to fight it!" They end up back on Facebook/Tumblr/Twitter/G+/ spending most of their valuable time...

I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about. The inner fight in a mind of procrastinator is big and although you are getting better results than ever before, you still sometimes fall for something else than for things you want to do. Well in fact you do what you want, but not things you need to do or things you want to do, but they are not so entertaining like playing games or watching movies/tv shows.

I was and sometimes still am a perfect example
To be honest I was the perfect example of procrastinating the fight with procrastination. I bought a book named End of procrastination (it's a czech book - Konec prokrastinace). But couldn't force myself into reading it... Although I really wanted to read it, even watching our empty street was more entertaining... And I knew that this is the worst to do, but still was doing it for a long time before finally reading it...

It's all about beating your own mind
There is no exact way to motivate you or to give you some advice how to break it. I can't make you to do something you want to do. But YOU CAN! and that is the biggest paradox of this whole problem. You're the only one that can make you to do something. It's just about your mind control.

Imagine outcome to motivate yourself
Remember that feeling when you last did something useful or something you wanted to do for a long time? It was great, wasn't it ? Imagine having that great feeling everyday. Imagine what you're gonna do with the outcome of the work you need to do. What will you buy with that money you will earn? How will the outcome help you in future?... If you want, you can write everything down somewhere you will be able to see it. This way, you will be reminded why you should start doing or continue doing what you should be doing.

And remember that starting the fight today will be the best thing you will do for yourself.
Just don't forget to have a good time sometimes. It's not completely bad to go drinking sometimes, or to play a game. It's only bad when you are not controlling the time you are doing it.

Okay guys, good luck with your fights.

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