Hey guys!
You surely heard something like "self-praise stinks" after you told someone about your success. And it doesn't feel good. A lot of people will try to prove you that you shouldn't be so proud about things you have done. And it's wrong! But...
Feeling good and proud after successfully completed task is okay!
And the only reason why people often do not like it when someone else is successful is that they are not, or they think like you're stealing them their chance of success although they did nothing to achieve it... I also know that feeling and I'm sure we all do. It's probably a human nature to think like this. But it doesn't mean that it's okay to think this way! It's nothing else than being envious...
Envy less, care more about yourself
I know it's easier said than done, but try to think more positively about the success of the others. At least you know that there is a chance to succeed. It's hard to admit it, but there are only two main reasons why you're not successful. You either are not doing your best, or your dreams are too big to achieve them right now, and you will have to wait longer while doing your best on your way to make even your biggest dreams come true.
Praise yourself but do not forget about the others!
Altough it's not bad to praise yourself, do not forget to praise the others if you didn't do it all alone. This is the biggest problem and one of the biggest reasons why people say something like "self-praise stinks", because they can see that you are too proud about your work, that couldn't be done without them. Imagine a situation when that happened to you (if it did, but I'm somehow sure that this happens a lot)... how did that feel when someone presented work you did together but didn't mention you as their companion? It felt bad, didn't it?
Why do you want to succeed in this?
(This is kinda off-topic, but it's also important.)
Your time is worth a lot, and spending it thinking like:"How could that asshole succeed while I can't?" is so wrong. The best way to think about it is:"If that asshole could do it, I can do it too!" It's motivating, but beware of doing things you don't feel to be right for you just to show that "asshole" that you're not worse than him! You can end up failing something you didn't even want to do at first... Ask yourself if that really is what you want to do and why do you want it...
So next time you are successful and proud of your work, be proud and do not shame to share it with others! But mention everyone who helped you and ignore people who did nothing but speaking bad about your work. Listen every opinion and learn from it, but do not feel bad because of their opinions.
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