Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Phone camera macro lenses from eBay

Hey guys!

I found a passion in taking macro photos with my smartphone - Sony Xperia S (12Mpx), but as you probably know, macro capabilities of any smartphone/compact camera without additional lenses are poor... You can get very amazing results, but if you cross some distance and get too close to the object, you will get nothing but a blurry picture and (mostly on smartphones), when you get too close for more details but still can focus, you probably won't fit the whole object into picture... I found out that there is a cheap gadget available on the internet, that can improve your phone to get better macros as a result.

Because sometimes I wasn't too satisfied with my phones macro capabilities (although it can take very clear macros if there is enough light for it...) I decided to try that macro phone lens gadget (0,67x wide - macro). I ordered it from some eBay seller (china of course :-) ) for about 2.50$ And it finally arrived in my mailbox today.

Unpacked - http://instagram.com/p/l7aHETwoCg/
follow me on instagram for random photos :)

Getting ready to use it
Metal ring attached to back cover 
In the package, there were the lenses packed with 3 metal rings with adhesive on one side. The lens body has a magnet in it that allows you to use the lens only when you want without any complicated fitting or removal. Pick one metal ring a just attach it on your back cover around the camera and push it for a few seconds so it will stay attached firmly.
Then just carefully remove the metal plate used as a cover on the lenses as a bottom lens cover and attach the lenses on the metal ring that is attached to your phone. Remove the cap covering the lenses, adjust the lenses so it's centered with the phone camera and you're ready to go!

Differences between phone camera itself and phone camera with lenses attached to it
Xperia S with macro lenses attached 
At first, I was a bit dissapointed... Because I'm not a photographer, I expected it to work like a magnifying glass, so I expected everything looking magnified on my phone screen after opening camera app, but I couldn't see a big difference between original camera and camera with attached lenses...
I didn't realize that it won't work until I get really close to something... But then, after getting closer to random objects, I was amazed! Even when I was really close, my xperia was still able to auto-focus and I was able to fit whole objects or much bigger part of them in the picture then I could do with phone camera! I'll add two macro pictures under this article, one without lenses and one with them, so you can compare the difference.

Additional info 
I should also tell you that this lens (thanks to it's outer shape) gives you a bit of fish-eye effect. That is the main reason why you are able to get wider shot of your object.
And one more important information - the metal ring on my phone is covering a small bit of it's led flash (MY BAD! - I should use the metal ring with a cut for this purpose in it),but attached lenses are fully covering it no matter which ring shape you use... But I don't mind, because my phone camera is almost unusable without good light even with flash on, especially for macros...

Altought it's nothing miraculous, it's still pretty amazing and useful. Big plus is the easy way of attachment/detachment and it's portability. If you like to take macro pictures with your phone, I can only recommend it to you. The price is very low for results like this...
You can get it simply by typing "phone macro lenses" or something like this in your search bar and search for some seller online. I bought mine on eBay, but you can get it anywhere else.

Also, there is a lot of different lenses available for phones. I'm looking forward to ordering few more kinds of them soon :).

Here are these promised pictures for comparation, I'll add more later. 
Both pictures (with/without lenses are being shot from the same distance using auto focus. 

Without lenses

With lenses attached

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